
Fèill Oileanach & Eòlas 2024

Fèill Oileanach & Eòlas
From November 21, 2024 until November 23, 2024
Gothenburg - Ionad Taisbeanaidh is Co-labhairt na Suaine, Siorrachd Västra Götaland, an t-Suain
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: Foghlam & Trèanadh

Beurla | Kunskap & Framtid

Taisbeanadh mar chom-pàirtiche. Taigh-òsta faisg air an fhèill. Fèill obraichean is foghlaim ann an Gothenburg. Lorg am foghlam ceart. Lorg an obair cheart. Lorg an ath obair agad. Coinnich ri sgoiltean, fastaichean agus ùghdarrasan. Tèarainteachd san àm ri teachd. Taisbeanadh mar chom-pàirtiche ann an 2023. Uppdatera din webblasare.

A bheil thu airson ruighinn a-mach gu oileanaich Suaineach san àrd-sgoil agus daoine òga a tha air an t-slighe gu beatha obrach? Bu chòir dhut pàirt a ghabhail ann an kunskap agus framtid.

Gabh brath air do chuid fuireach le bhith a’ fuireach dìreach turas àrdachaidh goirid air falbh bhon fhèill. Tha an fhèill suidhichte taobh a-staigh an aon togalach anns a bheil Gothia Towers, an taigh-òsta sòghail piuthar-taighe Upper House agus na Gothia Towers.

Job and education fair in GothenburgAttend the largest education and job fair in western Sweden at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Gothenburg from November 21-24, 2024.Find the right education. Find the right job. Find your next job.Visit kunskap and framtid, November 21-23, 2024 at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre to get valuable advice and inspiration on exciting new education and career options.Kunskap & framtid, the largest education and job fair in western Sweden attracts thousands of high-school students, college students and parents to the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre each year. You can find all the answers you need about studies, jobs and the labor market. Also, learn how to finance your study, plan for studying abroad, or start a career.You can find tips, advice and contacts at kunskap and framtid for your future career and education, no matter if you're motivated or bored with school, unsure or lost, or home-loving and adventurous. You can find universities and colleges all over the country as well as vocational schools, employers and organizations.It is the goal of the fair to inspire you, guide you, and ignite your curiosity as a visitor. You can be inspired to think in new ways after visiting kunskap and framtid. You may discover new professions and educations.ttttttInspiring lecturesWant to know if your dreams can be turned into a career? What's it like to study in Lund?Meet with schools, employers and authoritiesHere you will find universities, colleges and vocational schools, study abroad providers, employers, authorities and organizations.Future securityFind answers to all your questions on jobs, student loans and studying abroad.

Hits: 1304

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Fèill Oileanach & Eòlais

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Gothenburg - Ionad Taisbeanaidh is Co-labhairt na Suaine, Siorrachd Västra Götaland, an t-Suain Gothenburg - Ionad Taisbeanaidh is Co-labhairt na Suaine, Siorrachd Västra Götaland, an t-Suain


800 Caractaran air fhàgail