
Taisbeanadh càr clasaigeach NEC 2024

Taisbeanadh càr clasaigeach NEC
From May 31, 2024 until June 03, 2024
Birmingham - NEC, Sasainn, RA
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: Auto & Automotive

Fàilte | Taisbeanadh motair clasaigeach

The UK's biggest and best. JOIN THE CLASSIC COMMUNITY. Welcome to the Classic Motor Show. Who was there in 2023. Pre-war Austin Seven Club. Rover Coupe Owners Club Jensen Owners' Club. Standard Motor Club Renault Classic Car Club Allegro Club International. Doug Palmer Vintage Automobilia. BB Engineering Services. Chesterfield Manufacturing UK. The British Historic Kart Club. www.oldskoolford.co.uk.

Welcome to the Classic Motor ShowThis event is not to be overlooked. It brings together classic car and motorcycle club members, along with their classic and vintage motorbikes and cars.This is the season finale that every classic car/bike enthusiast, collector, club member or anyone who has a passion for vintage vehicles will enjoy!It's not all about the classics. You can also shop in the autojumble for those hard-to-find pieces, or find parts and tools from specialist traders for your maintenance and restore needs. You're looking for something that will fill the classic-shaped hole you have in your life. The Dealers and Iconic Auctioneers have a wide range of products to choose from. There are also many activities to enjoy. Learn from experts in the halls or take a drive with HERO ERA or Sporting Bears to raise money for children's charities.

Cha bu chòir dearmad a dhèanamh air an tachartas seo. Bidh e a’ toirt còmhla buill de chlubaichean càr is baidhsagal-motair clasaigeach, còmhla ris na baidhsagalan-motair agus càraichean clasaigeach is seann-fhasanta aca.

Is e seo deireadh an t-seusain mu dheireadh dha neach sam bith a tha dèidheil air càraichean clasaigeach, baidhsagalan agus luchd-cruinneachaidh.

Hits: 225

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil NEC Classic Car Show

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Birmingham - NEC, Sasainn, RA Birmingham - NEC, Sasainn, RA


800 Caractaran air fhàgail