
Ìomhaigh Soidhnidh & Grafach an Ear Mheadhanach 2024

Ìomhaigh Soidhnidh & Grafach an Ear Mheadhanach
From September 24, 2024 until September 26, 2024
Dubai - Ionad Malairt na Cruinne Dubai, Dubai, UAE
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: Pacadh & Pacadh

Taisbeanadh Clò-bhualaidh Eadar-nàiseanta | Taisbeanaidhean Malairt Clò-bhualaidh Didseatach | Expo Clò-bhualadh Didseatach | Taisbeanadh Inneal Clò-bhualaidh | Clò-bhualadh Taisbeanaidhean Malairt | Taisbeanadh Teicneòlas Clò-bhualaidh | Taisbeanaidhean clò-bhualaidh 2020 | Companaidh Taisbeanaidh Dubai | Taisbeanadh ann an Dubai | Companaidhean Taisbeanaidh as Fheàrr ann an Dubai | Luchd-eagrachaidh Taisbeanaidh ann an Dubai | Companaidhean Taisbeanaidh ann an UAE - SGI Dubai

SGI Dubai 27th Edition - A Spectacular Industry Game Changer. SGI – Show Profiles. Zerika Bandivas - Ronda. Subscribe to the latest news. Media & international Partners. Download Our Mobile App. Download Our Mobile App. You can download itStay with Us Now!

The 27th edition of SGI Dubai is set to be a blockbuster event that will become a benchmark for the industry. SGI Dubai is the largest trade show in the region, attracting visionaries from various sectors. Sign-makers, print-production innovators and gift-and-promotion masters, media moguls and mall magnates are just a few of the many visionaries who will be exhibiting their printing, signage and imaging skills.

The majority of visitors to SGI Dubai are not just browsing; they are industry decision makers, including CEOs, owners, backed up by Tier 1 Influencers with their expertise in marketing, production, and technical spheres. SGI Dubai consistently delivers exceptional returns for exhibitors and visitors.

SGI Dubai has a global reach that extends beyond the UAE. In our last edition we welcomed global brands from the UAE and USA as well as South Korea, China UAE, India, Turkey South Africa, Italy. These industry giants displayed their innovative solutions and state-of the-art products, turning heads. The majority of machines on display at the event had been sold.

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Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Sign & Graphic Imaging Middle East

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Dubai - Ionad Malairt na Cruinne Dubai, Dubai, UAE Dubai - Ionad Malairt na Cruinne Dubai, Dubai, UAE


800 Caractaran air fhàgail