
Co-labhairt & Taisbeanadh Drileadh Cruinne IADC 2024

Co-labhairt & Taisbeanadh Drileadh Cruinne IADC
From June 18, 2024 until June 19, 2024
Madrid - Ionad Novotel Madrid, Coimhearsnachd Madrid, an Spàinn
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)

Co-labhairt & Taisbeanadh Drileadh Cruinne IADC 2024 - IADC.org

IADC World Drilling Conference & Exhibition 2024. Demographics for the 2023 event. Registrations by Job Title Registrants according to company type. Registrations by Location Advertisement for this event appears in:. Thank you for your support. International Association of Drilling Contractors is a not-for-profit organization. The income from this event will go back into IADC initiatives that we develop for the drilling industry in order to connect, to share knowledge, to tackle common problems, and to develop solutions to critical questions around the world. Participating in IADC events will improve and support your industry.

IADC World Drilling, the leading event for wells professionals will explore the challenges and opportunities facing our industry from a leadership, strategic perspective. The conference will explore the multiple aspects of improving value proposition - including technology, diversity and contracting. It will also examine digital solutions for all stakeholders. The conference will map each inflection and show the way to the future of the industry through high-level speakers, panels and technical papers.

Faigh biadh airson iCal. Subscribe to tachartasan air a’ Mhìosachan. Cuir an URL seo an dàrna cuid ri iCal airson Mac no Google Calendar no mìosachan sam bith eile a bheir taic do iCal Feed.

Seòladh Calle de I'O'donnell, 53Madrid, 28009Spain.

Ìre air a cho-rèiteachadh: EUR180,00 airson seòmar, gach oidhche. A’ toirt a-steach bracaist, ruigsinneachd WiFi agus VAT. Tha còmhnaidh dùbailte EUR15.00 gach seòmar gach oidhche.

Hits: 536

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Co-labhairt & Taisbeanadh Drileadh Cruinne IADC

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Madrid - Ionad Novotel Madrid, Coimhearsnachd Madrid, an Spàinn Madrid - Ionad Novotel Madrid, Coimhearsnachd Madrid, an Spàinn


800 Caractaran air fhàgail