
Taisbeanadh Tech Madrid 2024

From October 16, 2024 until October 17, 2024
Madrid - IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, Coimhearsnachd Madrid, an Spàinn
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: IT & Teicneòlas

Bienvenido - Taisbeanadh Tech Madrid

SPAIN'S PREMIER EXHIBITION OF TECH BUSINESS. Select the fair best suited to your business. New Business & Knowledge attracts visitors with a high level of decision-making. Top Keynote Speakers in 2023. Aitor Carratala Alberto Rodriguez. Berta Gonzalez. Luis Francisco Lopez Jose Antonio Martin. Jose Manuel Gonzalez. Pablo Garcia. Miguel Angel Leal Gongora.

16-17 Dàmhair PAVILLION.

16-17 Dàmhair PAVILLION.

Madrid Tech Show has become the event of reference for professionals and managers in the cloud, big data, AI and data centers sectors, as well as eCommerce, digital marketing, and cybersecurity.

Na caill an 4mh deasachadh aig IFEMA MADRID an ath Dàmhair 16 -17, 2024.


Visitors with power of decisionThe Madrid Tech Show will bring together C-level executives, decision makers, and experts from the Cloud, Cybersecurity and Big Data sectors, as well as eCommerce, Data Centers and Digital Marketing, to find the best solution and partner.This is a unique opportunity to showcase the full potential of your business.Madrid Tech Show will bring together leading companies in the market to present their strategies, solutions and systems. More than 17,500 stakeholders have already visited the fair's 2023 edition.

Bheir Taisbeanadh Tech Madrid còmhla luchd-gnìomh ìre C, luchd-co-dhùnaidh, agus eòlaichean bho na roinnean Cloud, Cybersecurity agus Dàta Mòr, a bharrachd air e-Malairt, Ionadan Dàta agus Margaidheachd Didseatach, gus am fuasgladh agus an com-pàirtiche as fheàrr a lorg.

Hits: 732

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Madrid Tech Show

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Madrid - IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, Coimhearsnachd Madrid, an Spàinn Madrid - IFEMA - Feria de Madrid, Coimhearsnachd Madrid, an Spàinn


800 Caractaran air fhàgail