
[Nagoya] Tomhais / Sgrùdadh / Taisbeanadh Sensor (MeasureTech Nagoya) an ath cheann-latha deasachaidh air ùrachadh

From April 09, 2025 until April 11, 2025
At 愛知県名古屋市港区金城ふ頭2-2-1 Roinnean-seòrsa: Dealan & Dealain Tags: tomhas

Facal [名古屋] 2024 |計測器、検査機、センサの展示会

The Measurement, Sensor, and Inspection Exhibition [Nagoya] in 2024. What is the Measurement, Sensor, Inspection and Sensor Exhibition (Nagoya)?

The 5th Measurement, Inspection, and Sensor Exhibition (Nagoya) is an exhibition that features measuring machines, sensor machines, and inspection machines. The 5th Measurement, Inspection, and Sensor Exhibition [Nagoya] is an exhibition where measuring machines, inspection machines or sensors are displayed.Users from the manufacturing industry's manufacturing, production technology, quality, maintenance/maintenance, research, design/development departments, etc. The exhibition will be visited by serious business meetings with the exhibiting companies.The exhibition will be held in Port Messe Nagoya as well as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyushu.

Products for measuring length, thickness, speed and depth. Also, products to measure brightness, distance, position vibration, distortion sound temperature humidity odor etc.Testing equipment.

Coinneamh Iomlaid Boireannaich Monozukuri Diciadain, 10 Giblean, 2024 17:10-18:10 Tha boireannaich a tha ag obair ann an gnìomhachasan saothrachaidh airidh air pàirt a ghabhail.View Details.

Tha saothrachadh na fhacal dha na cuspairean glic air na cuspairean as ùire ann an saothrachadh, msaa.Is e senryu tùsail na tha sinn a’ sireadh! Faigh duaisean sgoinneil! Faic mion-fhiosrachadh.

Bidh Monozukuri Taro a’ bruidhinn mun dealbhadh san àm ri teachdMar Phròiseact sònraichte air Diciadain, 10 Giblean Gnìomhachas saothrachaidh Youtuber Monodzukuri TaroSeminar coltas! Faic mion-fhiosrachadh.