Seachdain Margaidheachd Iapan

Seachdain Margaidheachd Iapan

From July 03, 2024 until July 05, 2024

Aig Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Iapan

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

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Roinnean-seòrsa: Seirbheisean Gnìomhachais

Tags: Branding, Breakbulk, margaidheachd

Hits: 6715

Seachdain Margaidheachd |RX Iapan

The largest marketing exhibition in Japan. What is Marketing Week in Japan? Marketing Week is Japan's largest marketing exhibition, focusing on matching marketers with agencies. Details about each event. Exhibit at Marketing Week. Previous Exhibitors. Visitor Testimonial. Visitor Information for each event. Japan's largest trade show organizer.

Marketing Week is a platform for business matching that brings together professionals from marketing, web-directing, advertising and public relations as well as sales promotion and marketing support. Our platform offers companies the opportunity to overcome challenges like increasing sales, improving branding and increasing customer attraction. Join us and connect to find solutions for all your business needs.

Cinn-latha: 3 Iuchar (Diciadain) gu 5 Iuchar (Dihaoine), 2020 Àite: Tokyo Big Sight.

Dates: 25 September (Wed), 2024 - 27 September (Fri), 2020Venue: INTEX osaka.

Cinn-latha: 2 Giblean (Diciadain) - 4 Giblean (Dihaoine), 2020 Àite: Tokyo Big Sight.

Acquire leads quickly and efficiently.The show will attract a wide range of professionals including sales promotion, planning, executives and marketers. Over the course of three days, you can acquire leads efficiently.

Coinnich ri prìomh luchd-co-dhùnaidh gu dìreach.Tha timcheall air 80% den luchd-tadhail an sàs ann an co-dhùnaidhean no tha ùghdarras aca co-dhùnaidhean a dhèanamh. Tha e nas fhasa coinneamhan leantainneach fhaighinn.

Tha ar luchd-labhairt eòlach air margaidheachd.

Every day, seminars will be held on topics that you are interested in such as "Marketing Thinking", "Sales Strategy" and "Influencer Marketing". Learn about the latest trends and information.