An VET Expo

An VET Expo

From October 24, 2024 until October 25, 2024

Aig Sydney - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh Eadar-nàiseanta Sydney (ICC Sydney), New South Wales, Astràilia

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

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Roinnean-seòrsa: Meidigeach & Pharma

Tags: Animals

Hits: 6423

An VET Expo 2024 | Sidni

The new festival-style event in Australia for veterinarians and animal health professionals. + Animal Health & Pharma, Practice Management and Petcare Business. Australia's new festival-style event for veterinarians, animal healthcare professionals and pet care business. Plus Clinical Excellence + Animal Health & Pharma+ Practice Management + Petcare Business.

An 3mh Ionad Co-chruinneachadh is Taisbeanaidh Eadar-nàiseanta Bliadhnail, Sydney.

An 3mh Ionad Co-chruinneachadh is Taisbeanaidh Eadar-nàiseanta 24rd 25 & 2024, Dàmhair XNUMX ann an Sydney.

Is e an VET Expo an tachartas cùram slàinte lighiche-sprèidh is bheathaichean as motha ann an Astràilia! Tha an VET Expo na thaisbeanadh dà latha ann an stoidhle fèis a bhios a’ gabhail àite aig Ionad Co-chruinneachadh is Taisbeanaidh Eadar-nàiseanta Sydney. Bidh e a’ toirt còmhla còrr air 2500 neach-frithealaidh bhon roinn lighiche-sprèidh, slàinte bheathaichean agus cùram pheataichean gu lèir gus toraidhean ùra ionnsachadh, lìonrachadh agus lorg.

The VET Expo is a two-day event that brings together industry buyers, such as veterinarians, specialists, animal technologists, technicians, practice owners and managers, government, associations and pet product retailers. It also connects these buyers with 111+ industry leaders who will showcase the latest technology, products, and services related to veterinary and petcare.

Tha an VET Expo na cho-labhairt aig ìre cruinne anns a bheil 17 slighean co-labhairt, a’ toirt a-steach sochair bheathaichean agus giùlan bheathaichean, rianachd cleachdaidhean, fiaclaireachd, coin companach, nursadh lighiche-sprèidh, agus barrachd. Ionnsaich bho 169+ eòlaiche a lìbhrigeas taisbeanaidhean brosnachail ann an seiseanan aon-neach agus deasbad panail beòthail. Coisinn puingean CPD.