Slàinte Rimini

Slàinte Rimini

From May 30, 2024 until June 02, 2024

Aig Rimini - Rimini Fiera SpA, Emilia-Romagna, an Eadailt

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

RiminiWellness - An Taisbeanadh Eòlas Wellness

Tha an tachartas coisrigte don eag-shiostam sunnd gu lèir: na gluasadan as ùire, ùr-ghnàthachadh agus trèanadh airson proifeiseantaich fallaineachd agus luchd-dealasach spòrs. Bheir RiminiWellness a h-uile prìomh fhìrinn mu shlàinte fo aon mhullach, bho luchd-saothrachaidh uidheamachd fallaineachd gu comainn malairt agus gyms. Tha e cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach spàthan meidigeach, ionadan slàinte, saidheansan ath-ghnàthachaidh, gnìomhachd fallaineachd agus turasachd.

RiminiWellness30 Cèitean - 2 Ògmhios 2024Rimini Fair and Riviera

FOODWELL Ag ithe gu fallain dha daoine a tha a’ falbh.

FitnessFitness, sport and movement are the focus of the Italian market.


SteelCombat sports, nutrition and physical culture.


The fitness competition is open to athletes and enthusiasts at all levels and ages. RiminiWellness, 2024 will be the first Italian Licensed CrossFit (r) Event. This event attracts thousands and thousands of fitness enthusiasts every year from around the globe.

FIF, the Italian Fitness Federation, awaits you at Pavilion B1 in the largest multifunctional space and quietest environment ever seen!

The appointment is set for June 2nd to 30th. The Federation will have a dedicated pavilion (C6).

Be the star of the next RiminiWellness edition, an international event that celebrates the whole ecosystem of wellness.

Is e cothrom air leth a tha seo lìonrachadh, gnìomhachas a dhèanamh agus a bhith air fhaicinn!


Global Platform for Fitness & Wellness Industry.