

From April 07, 2025 until April 09, 2025

Aig Birmingham - NEC, Sasainn, RA

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

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Roinnean-seòrsa: Pacadh & Pacadh, Biadh & Deochan

Tags: Pacadh bìdh

Hits: 6121

Fuasglaidhean saothrachaidh Foodex 2025 -

Far a bheil na roinnean giullachd pacaidh & loidsistigs a’ coinneachadh. FAIGHINN ÙRACHADH: Thig còmhla ri stiùirichean smaoineachaidh aig an taigh-cluiche saothrachaidh bidhe. Fàilte gu Foodex Manufacturing Solutions. Tha 2023 neach-taisbeanaidh ann. Thoir leat

Welcome to Foodex Manufacturing SolutionsThe UK's largest trade show for the food and beverage processing, packaging and logistic industries. Foodex Manufacturing Solutions examines the trends driving the industry, demonstrates the latest products and service to improve operational efficiency and provides buyers with the opportunity to connect with suppliers through interactive events.Foodex Manufacturing Solutions is part of UK Food & Drink Shows, which will take place from Monday 7 – Wednesday 9 April 2025. #FMS2025Register your interestCHECK OUT OUR VIDEO OF SHOW HIGHLIGHTS

The UK's largest trade show for the food and beverage processing, packaging, and logistics industries. Foodex Manufacturing Solutions examines the trends driving the industry, showcases the latest products and service to improve operational efficiency and provides the opportunity for buyers and suppliers to connect through interactive events and discussion.

Tha Foodex Manufacturing Solutions mar phàirt de Thaisbeanaidhean Bidhe is Deoch na RA, a thèid a chumail bho Diluain 7 - Diciadain 9 Giblean 2025. #FMS2025.

Chan eil Foodex a’ tarraing aire bhon ghnìomhachas againn. Tha e mu dheidhinn a bhith còmhla ris an luchd-ceannach. Tha e math a bhith gan cumail fo aon mhullach. Anns an t-saoghal làitheil, chan fhaic sinn ach aon neach-ceannach aig àm sònraichte.