Fòram Eadar-nàiseanta Seann ghinealach

Fòram Eadar-nàiseanta Seann ghinealach

From October 23, 2024 until October 25, 2024

Aig St Petersburg - Expoforum, St Petersburg, an Ruis

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

Air a chur ris le Arun G!


Roinnean-seòrsa: Sunnd, Slàinte & Sunnd, Foghlam & Trèanadh

Tags: Injection

Hits: 5930

Fòraman roimhe | Fòram Eadar-nàiseanta

Coimhead air seiseanan clàraichte bho na tachartasan a bh’ againn roimhe. An Roinn Eòrpa 2021 agus Australasia 2021 (brìgheil). Copenhagen 2020 (mas fhìor).

Bidh sinn a’ tighinn air ais chun Fhòram oir tha sinn a’ faighinn ionnsachadh fìor mhath air càileachd is sàbhailteachd, agus cùram euslainteach.

...It is like an energy injection... reminding me again why I do this work.

We live stream a number of sessions from the International Forum. All streamed sessions remain available to watch on demand at any time on Livestream. A fuller archive is available on the International Forum YouTube channel.

Our theme at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare in Copenhagen in May 2023 was Adapting to a changing world: equity, sustainability and wellbeing for all.

With so much attention taken up with dealing with our current problems, we wanted to focus on how the improvement movement can help healthcare systems change.

We continued our efforts to give patients and healthcare users the opportunity to take centre stage at the International Forum, encouraging us to rethink what matters in the delivery of great care.  The conference saw the return of the Patient Choice Award, given out for a second year in a row to highlight the importance of including a genuine patient perspective in healthcare quality improvement work.

B’ e cuspair a’ phrògraim againn ann an Sydney sealladh ùr: Leasachadh càileachd a’ cumadh an ama ri teachd.

Supported by over 70 speakers and leaders in their field, we focused on a number of key discussion areas including what true co-production with our consumers looks like and how can we use quality improvement approaches to reduce cost and improve efficiency without compromising patient care.