

From May 16, 2024 until May 18, 2024

Aig Krasnogorsk - Ionad Taisbeanaidh Eadar-nàiseanta Crocus Expo, Moscow Oblast, An Ruis

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net


Roinnean-seòrsa: Logistics & Còmhdhail, Rèile & rathaidean

Tags: Airm, Heileacoptair, Rèile

Hits: 6935

Mu dheidhinn

International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia is the unique exhibition in Russia representing international developments in helicopter industry, that is the entire range of products & services within, from design & production to operation as well as unmanned aerial vehicles and air mobility.

HeliRussia 2024 will be held in May 16-18, in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1892-r of 14.07.2023, involving military product demonstration. This raises the prestige of the Russian international helicopter event, expanding opportunities, for domestic and foreign developers and manufacturers of helicopters, specialized equipment, control, navigation and communications systems, to share experiences and knowledge. The venue is Pavilion,1 of the Crocus Expo IEC.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is the organizer of HeliRussia.

HeliRussia not only allows to demonstrate the achievements of the Russian industry but attracts world leaders to the Russian market, contributes to the development of international cooperation in the helicopter industry, provides an opportunity to meet industry leaders, company directors and discuss cooperation and interaction issues.

Tha an taisbeanadh na àrd-ùrlar sàr-mhath airson conaltradh le com-pàirtichean cèin, far a bheil cothrom aig com-pàirtichean na Ruis fuarain gnìomh agus tòna a ’chòmhraidh a shuidheachadh.

Gu traidiseanta bidh HeliRussia a ’toirt aoigheachd do phrògram gnìomhachais shàthaichte, mar am pàirt as cudromaiche den taisbeanadh, a’ toirt seachad àrd-ùrlar airson connspaid mu chuspairean teth a ’ghnìomhachais. Tha cùisean airson beachdachadh aig bùird chruinn, co-labhairtean, co-labhairtean air an dealbhadh gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air na gnìomhan as cudromaiche den àm làithreach.