Expo Lab Eadar-nàiseanta Saudi

Expo Lab Eadar-nàiseanta Saudi

From October 28, 2024 until October 30, 2024

Aig Riyadh - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh & Taisbeanaidh Eadar-nàiseanta Riyadh, Roinn Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

[post-d fo dhìon]

+ (966) 56 6676512; + (966) 92 0020025, EXT: 308


Taisbeanadh Medlab Eadar-nàiseanta Saudi -

Let's Grow Your Business. The 4th Saudi International Medlab Expo. Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center. Let's Enjoy Together. Highlights of MEDLAB 2020. Book your exhibit space. Bring The Medical Industry together. Our Scientific Activities.

Is e dealas Medlab fuasgladh iomlan a sholarachadh do ghnìomhachas an obair-lann. Bidh an tachartas sònraichte seo a’ toirt còmhla sèine luach iomlan a’ Ghnìomhachais Leigheil bho sholaraichean stuthan amh, deuchainn-lannan a bhios a’ saothrachadh ullachaidhean crìochnaichte gu luchd-sgaoilidh agus lìonraidhean cùram slàinte. Tha an Taisbeanadh a’ tabhann beairteas de eòlas le stiùirichean gnìomhachais, luchd-rannsachaidh agus eadar-obrachadh cho-aoisean. Bidh an taisbeanadh a’ soilleireachadh innleachdan a’ ghnìomhachais agus a’ toirt a-steach gnìomhachas dha na com-pàirtichean aige.

Faodaidh tu na sgilean agad a leasachadh air an raon ionnsachaidh seo.

Taisbeanadh air leth. Tha thu ceangailte ris a’ ghnìomhachas meidigeach.

Hear directly from Medical leaders & experts around the world.

We are thankful for the opportunity to be a participant at the Saudi Medlab Expo, and a part a such a comprehensive medical and laboratory event. It is commendable that the Expo has committed to bringing together all sectors of Saudi Arabia's medical and pharmaceutical industry. Biomall had a great experience interacting with industry leaders, peers, and researchers and learning about the latest innovations at the exhibition. We look forward to participating in the Saudi Medlab Expo 2023, and in future years!