From October 30, 2024 until November 01, 2024

Aig Ionad Fèill is Co-labhairt Eadar-nàiseanta Bursa - Tuyap Bursa, Bursa, an Tuirc

[post-d fo dhìon];[post-d fo dhìon]

+90 224 211 50 81; +90 224 211 50 81

Junioshow - Bursa International Baby and Kids Ready-to-Wear Fair

Carson a bu chòir dhut a dhol còmhla?

Thèid an ath choinneamh a chumail aig an aon àite eadar 30 Dàmhair agus 1 Samhain 2024. Chaidh Fèill JUNIOSHOW a chumail aig Bursa Fair Center International san t-Samhain 2023. Ann an 4 latha, tharraing an fhèill 1,600 luchd-ceannach bho 80 dùthaich eadar-dhealaichte. Chuir an fhèill, a tharraing na mìltean de luchd-tadhail bho thaobh a-staigh na dùthcha, ri meud malairt cèin san roinn. Thòisich e cuideachd air ceanglaichean gnìomhachais luach milleanan dolar.

Tha Junioshow, bun-bheachd cothromach ùr-nodha, a’ toirt còmhla na gnìomhachasan aodach pàisde agus aodach cloinne.

Bidh fèill JUNIOSHOW a ’cothlamadh càileachd dealbhaidh le dealbhadh. Tha 10 modalan bho chruthachadh "Earrach-Samhradh" air an dealbhadh airson clann aois 0-12 agus faodar an cleachdadh ann an inbhean sgeadachaidh aon-deireadh.

Ibrahim Burkay, President of Bursa's CCI Board of Directors, said that the fair where almost 200 companies had opened stands allowed the sector to regain the commercial atmosphere they missed after a 2-year break. Burkay stated that the BTSO has conducted important studies to increase the volume of foreign trade in the ready-made clothing sector for babies and children. He added, "70% of our 104 companies participating in four UR-GE project have been able to export directly for the very first time." This is a very important statistic. Exports and value-added products are undoubtedly the most important factors in our economy. "We continue to support our companies during this process."