Eadar Port-adhair Sìona

Eadar Port-adhair Sìona

From September 04, 2024 until September 06, 2024

Aig Beijing - Ionad Taisbeanaidh Eadar-nàiseanta Shìona, Beijing, Sìona

[post-d fo dhìon]

+86 21 2231 7210; +86 21 2231 7211


port-adhair eadar-nàiseanta Sìona

inter airport China 2024. inter airport Exchange 2024. Inter airport China. inter airport China 2024. Inter airport China Airport Exhibition is here. Now, start your airport experience. .

Inter airport China, China's airport construction industry exhibition has been held successfully in Beijing eight times. The exhibition has seen the development of the airport construction industry of my country in the last 20 years, with thousands of companies participating and tens and thousands of visitors. The industry hails us as Asia's premier airport equipment and facilities exhibition. We use professionalism, persistence, innovation, and wisdom to continuously revitalize China's civil aircraft industry.

The inter airport China exhibition is a professional platform that brings together innovative products, services and technical solutions from airports around the world. It allows you to exchange information, make new contacts, understand policies, get a feel for the current times and promote high-quality airport development.

Taisbeanaidhean Reed Bidh port-adhair eadar Sìona a’ cur fàilte oirbh le gàirdeanan fosgailte. Bho phlanadh gu togail agus obrachadh, bidh sinn a’ taisbeanadh bathar-cruaidh is bathar bog a’ phuirt-adhair. Tha na h-aonadan gnìomhachais iomchaidh uile air an riochdachadh le ar luchd-taisbeanaidh, luchd-tadhail agus com-pàirtichean. Aig an taisbeanadh, tha sinn air cultar in-ghabhail a chruthachadh. Thig sinn còmhla san tachartas gnìomhachais seo.