Taisbeanadh Eadar-nàiseanta saothrachadh agus dealbhadh phàirtean

Taisbeanadh Eadar-nàiseanta saothrachadh agus dealbhadh phàirtean

From April 11, 2024 until April 14, 2024

Aig Shanghai - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh & Taisbeanaidh Nàiseanta, Shanghai, Sìona

[post-d fo dhìon]



CMEF 医博会 - 国药励展展览有限责任公司

ICMD As a brand sub-brand that was launched innovatingly by the organizers of CMEF, ICMD has developed into Asia-Pacific's largest product technology exhibition focusing primarily on the upstream industries of medical device manufacture. A comprehensive platform for trade exchange, procurement and cooperation.

Tha farsaingeachd an taisbeanaidh a’ toirt a-steach dealbhadh gnìomhachais, electronics, mothachairean meidigeach agus sgoltagan snasail, co-phàirtean OEM, innealan pacaidh agus stuthan meidigeach; motaran, pumpaichean, pàirtean smachd gluasad, giullachd uidheamachd, clàradh toraidh agus saothrachadh toraidh tùrail.

The exhibition takes place at the same location and time as CMEF. It aims to create a seamless link between medical device manufacturers, upstream suppliers of parts and services, and promote the coordinated and in-depth development of upstream and downstream industrial chains for medical devices.