Expo cleachdadh lìn / SNS - Kansai

Expo cleachdadh lìn / SNS - Kansai

From September 25, 2024 until September 27, 2024

Aig Osaka - INTEX Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Iapan

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

[post-d fo dhìon]


Roinnean-seòrsa: IT & Teicneòlas

Tags: bus, Branding, margaidheachd

Hits: 2781

マーケティング Week【大阪】-9月開催-|日本最大級のマーケティング嚕礼

What is Marketing Week Osaka? The event consists of nine exhibitions.This is the largest marketing exhibition in Japan. Four new exhibitions will be featured at Marketing Week Osaka. Marketing Week - Osaka - Component Exhibition. Customers are interacting with each other and new encounters.Strengthen your relationships! Recommended for those with the following problems: Those looking to outsource marketing and sales operations. They are also recommended for those who want to find novelty items for events. They are those who want to find the best way to advertise. . Those who are having problems attracting clients on the internet or EC. > Spring ExhibitionVenue: Tokyo Big Sight. Summer ExhibitionVenue: Tokyo Big Sight. Osaka ExhibitionVenue: INTEX Osaka

Tha sinn a’ toirt cothrom air leth do chompanaidhean fuasgladh fhaighinn air cùisean leithid àrdachadh reic, àrdachadh aithne branda, agus àrdachadh tarraing luchd-cleachdaidh.

Is e taisbeanadh a tha seo a tha a’ còmhdach gach taobh de mhargaidheachd, bho dhealbhadh ro-innleachd, gu conaltradh, CRM agus conaltradh, a bharrachd air leasachadh LTV.

Acquire leads quicklyAttendees included executives, marketers, and sales promotion/planners. In just 3 days, you can acquire quality leads.

Coinnich gu dìreach ris an neach air a bheil uallach Tha àite co-dhùnaidh aig timcheall air 80% den luchd-tadhail no tha iad an sàs ann an co-dhùnaidhean. Tha seo ga dhèanamh nas fhasa coinneamhan gnìomhachais a chlàradh san àm ri teachd.