Comic Con-

Comic Con-

From July 25, 2024 until July 28, 2024

Aig San Diego - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh San Diego, California, na SA

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

Roinnean-seòrsa: Cur-seachad & Meadhanan, Toys & Geamannan

Tags: Comics

Hits: 9024

duilleag - Comic-Con

The ultimate event for comics and popular arts! Get ready for a unique experience! Look! Look! WonderCon 2024 Badges Are Shipping! Spirit of Comics Call for 2024 Nominations Judges select 19 for the 2024 Eisner hall of fame WonderCon 2024 Cover Art Reveal. We're in Good Company

Faigh tuilleadh a-mach mu na feumalachdan taisbeanaidh agad le bhith a’ cliogadh an seo!

Comic-Con's official annual publication. The exclusive content for 2023 will be centered around a variety of anniversary celebrations. The square-bound paperback, designed to be a collectible and a keepsake item, features cover art that was commissioned specifically for this publication. The Souvenir book also includes a section called "Yearbook", which contains bios and pictures of all the Comic-Con special guests for 2023, as well as a look at the awards from 2022 and a section called "In Memoriam".

Thig còmhla ri coimhearsnachd Comic-Con gus do bhogadh ann am fandoms, cruthaich cuimhneachain neo-chinnteach agus gus caraidean ùra a dhèanamh!

Tha Comic-Con na phrìomh thachartas a bhios a’ comharrachadh a h-uile càil comaig, ealain mòr-chòrdte agus co-cheangailte, a’ toirt a-steach filmichean agus telebhisean, ioma-mheadhan eadar-ghnìomhach agus gèamadh. Gabh pàirt ann an taisbeanaidhean sònraichte agus ro-shealladh a bharrachd air cosplay agus prògramadh gun samhail. Tha an Talla Taisbeanaidh na àite eadar-mheasgte agus farsaing le bathar agus taisbeanaidhean bho gach fandom.

Comic-Con is made possible by our incredible sponsors, who fuel our passion for creating an unforgettable experience.

We want to thank everyone who made Comic-Con 2023 a great success! All of our participants, volunteers, exhibitors, panelists and attendees are greatly appreciated.