Expo Joya

Expo Joya

From June 11, 2024 until June 13, 2024

Aig Mexico City - Ionad Malairt na Cruinne Cathair Mheagsago, Cathair Mheagsago, Meagsago

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

[post-d fo dhìon]


Roinnean-seòrsa: Fasan & Bòidhchead, Ealain & Ciùird

Tags: Jewelry

Hits: 7290

Preguntas Frecuentes - EXPO JOYA | Organizada por Cámara de Joyería Jalisco

Frequent questions. BUYER HOURS. EXHIBITOR SCHEDULES. When and where will the exhibitions be held? How do I exhibit at JOYA? What is the size of the stands? What is included in the booth rental? What is an institutional setup? Who can I contact if I need a custom design for my booth? When I arrive at the show, what do I do? Is it possible to display other products besides jewelry?

JEWEL 20,24 Giblean 9 gu 11, 2020Expo Guadalajara | GDL.

JEWEL 20,24 Ògmhios 11 gu 13 Ògmhios 2024 CDMX.

GDL: 10m - 7f* Is e an ceann-latha airson clàradh agus inntrigeadh don tachartas 5:00f.

Av. Mariano Eile#1499, Col. Fracc. Gleann Uaine. Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Philadelphia S/N Col. Napoles Del. Benito Juarez, Cathair Mheagsago.

Gabh pàirt sa choinneamh gnìomhachais seo le bhith a’ leantainn nan ceumannan seo:.

The space for exhibitions and sales is carpeted and has dividing screens. There are also signs, two electrical outlets, and a simple marquee.

Bheir a’ Chomataidh Eagrachaidh dhut suidheachadh àbhaisteach, a tha a’ toirt a-steach roinneadh scrionaichean agus canopy.

Faodaidh companaidh cruinneachaidh sam bith do chuideachadh. Gheibh thu liosta de chompanaidhean cruinneachaidh an seo mura h-eil thu eòlach air gin.

Iarr am pasgan bràiste agad aig Clàr an Taisbeanaidh leis an ID agad. Thoir sùil air an fhiosrachadh sa phacaid gus dèanamh cinnteach nach eil dad a dhìth. Às deidh sin, cuir a-steach don taisbeanadh.

Fashion accessories can be displayed as a complementary item to the main product, which should be jewelry. Jewelry must occupy a minimum of 60% of the space on the display.