Spa & sunnd Iapan

Spa & sunnd Iapan

From September 30, 2024 until October 02, 2024

Aig Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Iapan

Air a phostadh le Canton Fair Net

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Roinnean-seòrsa: Fasan & Bòidhchead, Sunnd, Slàinte & Sunnd

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Daithead & Fèill Bòidhchead/Stoidhle Well-Beauty |トップページ

Ann an 2024, tòisichidh dà thaisbeanadh, "Beauty", agus "Wellness"! . Fèill Diet & Beauty. 10mh Duais FairBeauty Rinn Iapan Buidheann Sgrùdaidh Bòidhchead / Co-labhairt Sunnd

Initial applications are due by Friday, March 29, 2019! By applying by March 29, you can enjoy many benefits, including 'getting a great booth position', '20,000 newspapers, and more exposure in web media'. is! Click here to find out more.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has also released a guide to sleep! The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare released the "Sleep Guide to Health Promotion 2023" in December of last year. Women who work more than nine hours are at greater risk of sleeping less than six hours. It is vital to maintain mental and physical well-being by ensuring that you get enough sleep every night.

The Well-beauty Style Council uses International Women's Day (8th March), which is aimed at improving the status of women, and advancing their social advancement to promote the basics for a woman's wellness lifestyle: warming up and bowel movements. We also conducted internet research on the requirements of the five activities that make up ''bone and muscle activity''. Click here for details.

Tha Diet & Beauty Fair, taisbeanadh slàinte is bòidhchead coileanta a thèid a chumail gach foghar, a’ comharrachadh an 23mh ceann-bliadhna aige. Tha eachdraidh dhearbhte aig an taisbeanadh malairt BtoB againn ann a bhith a’ toirt proifeiseantaich agus luchd-ceannach còmhla a tha a’ coimhead airson dearbhteachd leis na gluasadan agus na toraidhean as ùire.