
A ’togail thaighean gu sònraichte 2024

A ’togail thaighean a-mhàin
From June 11, 2024 until June 12, 2024
Lunnainn - Ionad Dealbhaidh Gnìomhachais, Sasainn, RA
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)

Taisbeanaidhean dìreach -

Prìomh thaisbeanadh na RA airson bathar taighe agus innealan dachaigheil. Bidh an Trend Displays a’ tilleadh. Tha an t-àite airson seasamh an taisbeanaidh air a reic a-mach! Na naidheachdan as ùire gu sònraichte 2024 gu sònraichte 100% air a reic mu thràth. Luchd-taisbeanaidh gu sònraichte ùr. Luchd-taisbeanaidh gu tur ùr.

The UK's largest showcase for housewares and tableware, as well as small appliances.The Exclusively Show will return to the Business Design Centre in June 2024, with all the best brands from housewares, tablewares, small household electricals, and gifts.After a successful and well-attended June 2023 show, we have an exciting line up of over 130 exhibitors showcasing more than 250 brands for 2024.The Show is aimed exclusively at retailers or ecommerce buyers, plus the media, influencers, and bloggers. We will send you an invitation to the Show in May 2024 if you've been in recent years. Please register today if you're new to the show.Register today.

The UK's largest showcase for housewares and tableware, as well as small appliances.The Exclusively Show will return to the Business Design Centre in June 2024, with all the best brands in the homewares, tablewares, small domestic electronics, and gifts sectors.After a successful and well-attended June 2023 show, we have an exciting line up of over 130 exhibitors showcasing more than 250 brands for 2024.The Show is only aimed at retailers or ecommerce buyers, plus the media, influencers and blogs. We will send a ticket to you in May 2024 if you've been in the past. Please register today if you're new to the show.Register today.

Hits: 6730

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Exclusively Housewares

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Lunnainn - Ionad Dealbhaidh Gnìomhachais, Sasainn, RA Lunnainn - Ionad Dealbhaidh Gnìomhachais, Sasainn, RA


800 Caractaran air fhàgail