
Taisbeanadh Uidheam is Solarachadh Taigh-òsta Guangzhou (GHESE) 2024

Taisbeanadh Uidheam is Solarachadh Taigh-òsta Guangzhou (GHESE)
From December 19, 2024 until December 21, 2024
Guangzhou - Sìona Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Complex), Guangdong, Sìona
+ 86-20-83982117
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)

2024 China hotel supplies exhibition、2024 China food &beverage exhibition

Guangzhou International Hotel Supplies Exhibition 2024. Why are you attending the exhibition? The national hotline.

The Guangzhou International Hotel Equipment and Supplies Exhibition, which will take place in Pazhou Exhibition Center from 19th to 21st December, has eight themes (desktop supply, cleaning equipment, hotel lobby supplies and supplies of food and beverages, guest room supplies and hotel furniture), and the 250000 square meter exhibition space is expected to attract more than 4000 exhibitors. Together with brands, Wing. Read more, brighter bright spot. Set up a professional and extensive stage for the Chinese company of hotel supplies, promote the Chinese market of hotel supplies, by infusing new power.

Copyright @ 2020 Guangzhou Jiarui Intellectual Property Agency General Partnership Guangdong ICP No. All rights reserved. For the record, Guangdong ICP Number: 19092207. 19143401.

Hits: 80540

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Taisbeanadh Uidheam is Solarachaidh Taigh-òsta Guangzhou (GHESE)

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Guangzhou - Sìona Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Complex), Guangdong, Sìona Guangzhou - Sìona Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Complex), Guangdong, Sìona


Gabh ri Rachel
Acheteur taigh-òsta airson pròiseact nouveau

Thoir do phròiseact nouveau d’hôtel 3 étoiles ann an Côte d’Ivoire, je voudrais acheter des équipemen ts et ameublement.

Dàibhidh Donyina
Ceannaiche goireasan taigh-òsta
Is toil leam pàirt a ghabhail san fhèill malairt seo
Clotilde Ayson
Solarachadh thaighean-òsta
Tha mi airson sreathan ùra taigh-òsta agus feumalachdan taigh-òsta eadar-dhealaichte a cheannach.
Taisbeanadh Uidheam is Solarachadh Taigh-òsta Guangzhou
Halo, a bheil an tachartas seo a ’dol air adhart am-bliadhna? An urrainn dhut ceangal làrach-lìn a chuir thugam gu dìreach chun tachartas no fiosrachadh a bharrachd? Taing, Iain
Bha an taisbeanadh gu math mòr. glè eadar-mheasgte air taisbeanadh toraidh, Ach bha dùil agam gum biodh barrachd sholaraichean taigh-òsta ann dhomh.

800 Caractaran air fhàgail