
Seachdain Cruinneachadh NAPE 2025

Seachdain Cruinneachadh NAPE
From February 05, 2025 until February 07, 2025
Houston - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh George R. Brown, Texas, na SA
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)

Mullach NAPE | NAPE

2025 Seachdain Mullach NAPE Ceistean Cumanta. Faigh sealladh farsaing air NAPE.

Knowledge shared is the key to success. Stay connected with the latest energy industry news by subscribing today!

FEB 5-7, 2025 George R. Brown Ionad Co-chruinneachadh | Houston, TX.

NAPE is the energy industry’s marketplace for the buying, selling and trading of prospects and producing properties. NAPE brings together all industry disciplines; draws in decision-makers; focuses its participation on prospect generators; and hosts companies of all sizes, from small independents to majors. With the addition of bitcoin mining and renewable energy sources to our oil and gas offerings, NAPE is the ultimate venue for energy deals.

Thank you for participating in this year’s NAPE Summit! We have more exciting events in store for the 2025 NAPE Summit. Endless opportunity awaits — register to attend and buy a booth or sponsorship today!

This event offers international and domestic purchasers a unique chance to connect, reconnect, and make deals on domestic and international levels. You can meet an ambassador from Australia, a lease negotiator from Canada and a geologist from Louisiana all in one place. Our growing attendee base also includes the renewable energy sector, service and capital providers as well as legal counsel. With that much decision-making power accessible at NAPE, deals happen.

Bidh NAPE a ’tarraing prìomh luchd-co-dhùnaidh a’ ghnìomhachais chun taisbeanadh malairt aca le dùil gum faigh iad a-mach na dealbhan-cluiche as teotha sa ghnìomhachas, na teicneòlasan as ùire agus na gluasadan gluasadach. A ’toirt aoigheachd do mhìltean de luchd-frithealaidh agus ceudan de luchd-taisbeanaidh, ma tha toradh no seirbheis ri cheannach no ri reic anns a’ ghnìomhachas lùtha, gheibh thu e aig NAPE.

Hits: 6960

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Seachdain Mullach NAPE

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Houston - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh George R. Brown, Texas, na SA Houston - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh George R. Brown, Texas, na SA


800 Caractaran air fhàgail