
Còmhdhail Cruinne Smart City Expo 2024

Còmhdhail Cruinne Smart City Expo
From November 05, 2024 until November 07, 2024
Barcelona - Fira Barcelona Gran Via, Catalonia, an Spàinn
+34 93 233 20 00
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: Togalach & Togail

Còmhdhail na Cruinne Smart City Expo | SCEWC 5 – 7 Samhain 2024

SCEWC24 has already begun to take shape! OUR NEXT EXHIBITION IN NUMBERS. WE ARE TRUSTED BY INDUSTRY LEADER. Tomorrow.City was imagined by Smart City Expo World Congress. It is the largest digital platform in the world dedicated to sharing and creating content about cities. Austrian social housing is a model that's often copied, but rarely achieved. Japan's smart-city renaissance : creating futuristic urban havens.

Smart City 2023Welcome the new urban ageWelcome to the New Urban EraSmart City Expo World Congress, the largest and most influential urban innovation event in the world, is held annually. We bring together the leaders of the most innovative organizations, companies and governments to help move cities into a better future.SCEWC24 has already begun to take shape!Take part in 2024Our Next Edition, in Numberstttt0tttt+tttttttattendeestttt0tttt+tttt0tttt+Speakerstttt0tttt+Cities are a good example of this.tttt0tttt+You can find out more about it here.Last Days to ApplySPEAK AT SCEWC24Share your ideas and projects at the Congress of this year. Your stage is waiting!Apply NowA Powerful Community of PartnersLeaders in the industry trust us.

Hits: 32940

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Smart City Expo World Congress

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Barcelona - Fira Barcelona Gran Via, Catalonia, an Spàinn Barcelona - Fira Barcelona Gran Via, Catalonia, an Spàinn


Mustafa Coruh
Còmhdhail Cruinne Smart City Expo
Is e m’ ainm Mustafa Çoruh, tha mi nam òraidiche aig Sgoil Dreuchdail Ataşehir Adıgüzel.
Anns an rannsachadh tràchdas dotaireil agam aig Oilthigh Sakarya, leasaich mi algorithm a tha a’ rangachadh 81 sgìrean den Tuirc a rèir an Ìre Cruth-atharrachaidh Didseatach aca. Faodaidh tu toraidhean an rannsachaidh a ruighinn air an portal SC a chruthaich mi.
Mar neach-acadaimigeach, bu mhath leam na toraidhean rannsachaidh agam agus mo bheachdan a roinn mu dhealbhadh Smart Cities agus tomhas nan clàran-amais aca.
Mòran taing

800 Caractaran air fhàgail