

From January 13, 2025 until January 16, 2025
Amsterdam - RAI Amsterdam, an Òlaind a Tuath, an Òlaind
020 549 12 12; 020 549 13 33
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)

Horecava: de toekomst is nu | Horecava

Subscribe to our newsletter. Want to exhibit in Horecava? Why should you visit Horecava. Visit the Horecava for its benefits. Why exhibit at Horecava? Catering Fair at RAI Amsterdam. Subscribe to the Horecava newsletter. What can you expect from Horecava?

Horecava allows you to present your product or brand, and generate leads of high quality, while also sharing knowledge with stakeholders and building long-term relationships. You can either exhibit on our online platform, or at Horecava 2020 in RAI Amsterdam from January 13-16. Are you interested in a tailored proposal or how exhibiting could be successful for your business? Our sales consultants can inform you.


From 13-16 January 2025, the event will be held again at RAI Amsterdam. More than 700 companies will be exhibiting their (latest), products, services and concept. You want to be among the first to learn about the program and its participants, or when registration begins? Subscribe to our biweekly free newsletter.

Want to know what you missed in the last edition? Here is the Horecava 2020 aftermovie.

Is e Horecava am prìomh thachartas solair san Spàinn, a’ toirt còmhla proifeiseantaich bho na gnìomhachasan bìdh, dibhe agus cadal a-muigh. Thathas an dùil an ath Horecava a chumail aig RAI Amsterdam bho 13, 14, 15, agus 16 Faoilleach, 2025. Leigidh ceithir latha le proifeiseantaich solair iad fhèin a bhogadh anns a h-uile dad a dh’ fheumas iad a bhith eòlach airson àm ri teachd solair soirbheachail.

Hits: 30892

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil HORECAVA

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Amsterdam - RAI Amsterdam, an Òlaind a Tuath, an Òlaind Amsterdam - RAI Amsterdam, an Òlaind a Tuath, an Òlaind


800 Caractaran air fhàgail