
An Gem Exp 2024

An Gem Exp
From July 26, 2024 until July 28, 2024
Toronto - Hyatt Regency Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: Gems & Seudan, Ealain & Ciùird
Tags: Gems

The Gem Expo - Clachan Gem, Mèinnearan, Grìogagan, Gems & Seudan

Màrt 8-10, 2024 - Hyatt Regency Toronto. Fri 11:30m - 8f | Disathairne 10 - 6f | Sun 10 - 5f. Seudan Sterling Silver. Fàinnean agus fàinneachan agus fàinneachan! Eisimpleirean de mhèinnear càileachd taigh-tasgaidh. Seudan air an dèanamh le làimh aig prìsean ruigsinneach le Maighstir neach-ciùird. Grìogagan gemstone air feadh an t-saoghail. A 'faighinn deagh chomhairle air gemstones. Faodaidh luchd-reic le eòlas fiosrachadh a thoirt dhut. Mèinnearan agus deilbheadh ​​​​gun samhail. Air a dhèanamh le làimh ann an Canada. Baltic Amber "REAL", dearbhte Baltic Amber.

The Gem ExpoToronto's Gem, Mineral, Bead, & Jewellery ShowMarch 8-9-10, 2024Hyatt Regency, Toronto | 370 King St WestSaturday 10 - 6pmSunday 5 - 10pmShare this:FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInPrintMoreWhatsAppLike this:Like Loading...Daily EventsFree TalksAll discussions will take place in the lobbySaturdayNatalia's Wellbeing - Yoni eggs - Money, Health and Sexuality (18+).Rosa Milando, 5:15pm: Unity or Division? The choice is oursLiz Selke, 6:00pm: Tap into Your Personal PowerSun Kyeong, 6:45pm: How to clear energetic obstacles through ancestral healing7:15pm - David John - You Can Change Your FutureSaturday10:45am Fossils plus - Fish and ChipsSkyjems: Gemstones throughout history12:15pm Aj Veda, Intuitive Art, Kundalini yoga and Sound HealingSun Kyeong, 1:00pm: How to clear energetic obstacles through ancestral healingGaisheda Kheawok: Exploring the intuitive gifts of birth at 1:45pmRosa Milando: The Awakening - 2:30pm3:15pm The Knowledge Book4:00pm – Universal Sufi Order: Self-Realization & Awareness5:15pm Wellbeing with Natalia- Family Line Traumas and Their HealingSunday10:15am Fossils plus - Fish and ChipsSkyjems: Gemstones throughout history 11:00am11:45pm Universal Sufi Order Self Realization and Awareness12:15pm David John – Meditation and keeping your body young & healthy/Your Living Computer & youGaisheda Kheawok, 1:00m: Exploring the intuitive gifts of birth1:45pm - Huna HeiauRosa Milando, The Awakening at 2:15pmThe Kowledge Book at 3:15pm4:00pm – Wellbeing with Natalia: Family Line Traumas and Their HealingMake n TakeLaurie's Crafty Creations: Wire Wrap StonesBuy a stone or wire wrap your own.Necklaces & Chokers With ChakralusciousLearn how to tie knots for stretch bracelets, leather chokers that can be adjusted and adjustable. You only pay for the beads that you use.Classifieds.

Hits: 31773

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil The Gem Exp

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Toronto - Hyatt Regency Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto - Hyatt Regency Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Khaled shawkey shalbey moussa
Deasaichte mu dheireadh air 21.06.2023 20:39 le Guest
feuch an cuir thu thugam invetaition an làthair aig an taisbeanadh taing tha mi airson a bhith an làthair aig ceannaiche an taisbeanaidh
Khaled shawkey shalbey moussa
Gewallery dealbhaiche
Jayan òir
Conde Sharfick Katumba
Tha mi a’ feuchainn ri pàigheadh ​​le cairt bhìosa gu mì-fhortanach tha an siostam a’ nochdadh gu bheil a’ chairt air a dhiùltadh
Marcia Motsoene
Frithealadh na Co-labhairt
Bu mhath leam a bhith an làthair aig a’ cho-labhairt a tha ri thighinn.Dè na riatanasan a th’ ann?

800 Caractaran air fhàgail