
Cosmoprof Ameireaga a-Tuath-Las Vegas 2024

Cosmoprof Ameireaga a-Tuath-Las Vegas
From July 23, 2024 until July 25, 2024
Las Vegas - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh Bàgh Mandalay, Nevada, na SA
+ 1.480.281.0424
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Roinnean-seòrsa: Fasan & Bòidhchead, maise-gnùis

21ST EDITIONCosmoprof North America is the largest business-to-business beauty exhibition in North America. The event is known for its unique programs and dynamic growth. It offers an opportunity for the beauty industry to meet and form new relationships.CPNA is the premier launch pad for new beauty brand by introducing revolutionary technology, product innovation, and new channels of manufacture, packaging, distribution.The Mandalay Bay Convention Center will host the 21st Edition, or Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas 2024. This event is scheduled to take place from July 23-25.Show SectionsCOSMOPROF N. AMERICA Finished ProductsCOSMOPACK N. AMERICA Supply ChainCosmoprof North America, the largest B2B beauty show in the Americas, showcases the latest in skin care, haircare, nail care and toiletries. It also features organic beauty products and tools.Find out moreCosmopack North America, the only beauty event in the Americas, is dedicated to the complete beauty supply chain. It features: raw materials, ingredients, private labels, contract manufacturing, packaging (primary and secondary), machinery, and many other solutions.Find out moreHighlightsCosmoTalks, Cosmoprof North America’s conference format, combines inspiration, creativity and business.Find out moreCosmoTrends, the annual report of beauty trends, features the most innovative products by Cosmoprof exhibitors. This is a look at the latest innovations in the cosmetics sector.Find out moreThe Buyer Program, a project aimed at professionals in the beauty industry, aims to bring supply and demand together in the cosmetics sector through pre-arranged meeting between exhibitors and buyer.

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Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Cosmoprof Ameireaga a Tuath-Las Vegas

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Las Vegas - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh Bàgh Mandalay, Nevada, na SA Las Vegas - Ionad Co-chruinneachadh Bàgh Mandalay, Nevada, na SA


Louis Esterne
Deasaichte mu dheireadh air 15.04.2023 01:53 le Guest
Tairgse ola castor
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Tha CETPA (Ionad airson Stòradh is Giullachd Bathar Àiteachais) toilichte
ainmeachadh gu bheil e ri fhaighinn airson a reic sa bhad solar mòr den fhìor Haitian Black aige
Ola Castor.
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agus a’ gèilleadh gu h-iomlan ri inbhean nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta. Faighnich airson Laboratory
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Ola Castor, ann am meudan mòra is beaga, mòr-reic no reic.
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