
Cumhachd Taiwan 2024

Cumhachd Taiwan
From October 02, 2024 until October 04, 2024
Taipei - Ionad Taisbeanaidh Taipei Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)


The "Taiwan International Smart Energy Week", and the "Taiwan International Net Zero Sustainability Exhibition", are actively seeking exhibitors. Last year, the scale of both exhibitions was at a record-high. The 2023 site is shown in the picture. This exhibition will be more inclusive.

Is e Comann Leasachaidh Malairt Cèin Poblachd Shìona, ris an canar cuideachd Comann Malairt nan Dùthchannan Cèin, am buidheann brosnachaidh malairt as motha ann an Taiwan. Stèidhich Ministreachd an Cùisean Eaconamach, còmhla ri buidhnean gnìomhachais is malairteach prìobhaideach, e mar bhuidheann sochair poblach. Is e adhbhar Comann Malairt nan Dùthchannan Cèin gnìomhachasan a chuideachadh gus am malairt thall thairis a leudachadh. Aig an àm seo tha còrr air 1,300 proifeiseantaich ann an eaconamas agus malairt aig Comann Malairt nan Dùthchannan Cèin aig an taigh agus thall thairis. Tha còig oifisean dachaigheil aige, nam measg Taoyuan ann am Baile Taoyuan, Hsinchu ann am Baile Hsinchu, Taichung agus Kaohsiung. Tha cuideachd còrr air 60 ionad thall thairis, agus còrr air 300 oifis bhìosa air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha prìomh bhuidhnean de bhrosnachadh malairt eadar-nàiseanta le aontaidhean airson co-obrachadh air lìonra a chruthachadh a bheir seachad seirbheisean neoni, fìor-ùine agus gun chrìoch. Tha iad dealasach a thaobh leasachadh eaconamaidh Taiwan agus bidh iad ag obair leis an luchd-saothrachaidh gus seo a choileanadh. Tha iad cuideachd nan com-pàirtichean as fheàrr gus cuideachadh le leudachadh malairt.

SEMI established the Ministry of Energy Industry formally in 2008. It then organized the Energy Industry Committee, which was responsible for integrating the three main green energy supply chains, including solar power, wind power, smart energy storage, and power grids. Through regular meetings, SEMI brought together a number of opinion leaders to implement policy initiatives and to lead the industry. Communication and collaboration are key. The "Green Energy and Sustainability Alliance" (GESA), which was created in August 2023, is a response to the global trend towards net-zero emission. GESA is a platform for achieving sustainable development and green energy goals. GESA has been a platform for cross-border communications between industry, government and academia, as well as a conduit between the government and industry to exchange green energy policies and technologies. In response to the Taiwanese Government's energy policies and global net-zero emissions, GESA has recently expanded its service range to include net zero fields like carbon reduction, energy efficiency, circular economy and green finance. It is also committed to building Taiwan’s largest green energy industry and sustainable government. Academic and research platform to promote Taiwan's green industry and net zero sustainability.

Hits: 24409

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Energy Taiwan

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Taipei - Ionad Taisbeanaidh Taipei Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan Taipei - Ionad Taisbeanaidh Taipei Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan


tha ùidh againn ann an exsibition

800 Caractaran air fhàgail