
Taisbeanadh Earraich New York - Salon bainnse 2024

Taisbeanadh Earraich New York - Salon bainnse
From April 29, 2024 until April 29, 2024
New York - Tribeca 360 Degree, New York, na SA
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)
Tags: Banais

- Salon pòsaidh

Next Showcase: New York, Monday April 29, 2024. Next Showcase: New York, Monday April 29, 2024. Realize Your Dream Vision. Increase Your clientele and network. Wedding Cake tastings and cocktails. Wedding & honeymoon giveaways + Swag Bags. Meet Celebrity Wedding Professionals. Engaged Couples Planning Their Weddings. Meet with wedding planners. Get Marketing Support for Bridal Shows. Promote your wedding business.

Tha Wedding Salon a’ tabhann raon farsaing de luchd-reic pòsaidh ionadail, bho fhlùraichean gu dealbhadairean.

Leudaich ruigsinneachd gu bhith a’ toirt a-steach barrachd chàraidean an sàs agus tog lìonra de luchd-dealbhaidh pòsaidh agus luchd-naidheachd buadhach.

New YorkApril 29th 2024Tribeca 360oBuy Tickets.

MiamiJune 17th, 2024MiamiBuy Tickets.

New YorkAugust 22nd, 2024Tribeca RooftopBuy Tickets.

We want to make sure that couples can easily find the right vendor for their wedding and that vendors can grow their businesses at each show.

Hits: 3579

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil New York Spring Showcase - Wedding Salon

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

New York - Tribeca 360 Degree, New York, na SA New York - Tribeca 360 Degree, New York, na SA


800 Caractaran air fhàgail