
[Nagoya] Taisbeanadh Uidheam Factaraidh is Uidheam (FacTex Nagoya) 2024

Taisbeanadh Uidheam is Uidheam Factaraidh [Nagoya] (FacTex Nagoya)
From April 10, 2024 until April 12, 2024
Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Iapan
(Feuch an toir thu sùil dhùbailte air na cinn-latha agus an t-àite air an làrach oifigeil gu h-ìosal mus bi thu an làthair.)

工場設備・備 品展 [名古屋] 2024 |工 場 で 使 わ れ 設 備 、 備 品 を 集 め た展示会

Exhibition of Factory Equipment and Equipment [Nagoya] in 2024. The exhibition will feature products that can solve both the problem of decarbonizing factories and the heat countermeasures. .

The 8th Factory Equipment and Equipment Exhibition (Nagoya) is a show where energy-saving devices, logistics equipment and maintenance supplies are displayed. Also, there are products for disaster prevention, safety, and security. The exhibition includes products for factories.Many visitors and active negotiators from the manufacturing industry’s factory management, production technology and maintenance departments, as well as purchasing and logistics, are actively visiting and negotiating with exhibitors.The exhibition will be held in Port Messe Nagoya as well as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyushu.

Tha uidheamachd sàbhalaidh lùtha, lùth na grèine, dìon teas, fionnarachadh-àile, agus solais uile nan eisimpleirean de thoraidhean a ghabhas cleachdadh.* Logistics/Làimhseachadh stuthan.

Bidh pannal cliùiteach de dh’òraidichean air an àrd-ùrlar a h-uile latha air cuspairean leithid “brosnachadh DX/cleachdadh AI,” “Eisimpleirean dealbhaidh/saothrachaidh,” “cleachdadh clò-bhualadair AM/3D,” agus “Dì-charbonachadh/GX.” Na gluasadan as ùire ann an saothrachadh faodar faighinn thuige gu furasta agus gu sgiobalta. Na caill an cothrom ionnsachadh mu gach companaidh tro na sgrùdaidhean cùise aca.

OkumaDirector and Managing executive officerGeneral Manager Technology HeadquartersQuality Assurance Headquarters MR Department ESG Promotion OfficeResponsible for automation promotion projectMr. Harumitsu Chida.

Hits: 5369

Clàraich airson tiogaidean no bothain

Feuch an clàraich thu aig làrach-lìn oifigeil Taisbeanadh Uidheam is Uidheam Factaraidh [Nagoya] (FacTex Nagoya)

Mapa Àite agus taighean-òsta mun cuairt

Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Iapan Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Iapan


800 Caractaran air fhàgail